Beirut Explosion: Lebanon prime minister promises to punish those behind the blast.

Beirut Explosion: Lebanon prime minister promises to punish those behind the blast.

Beirut Explosion: Lebanon prime minister promises to punish those behind the blast. DigiDailyNews 2020  Free Download.
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A massive explosion in the heart of the lebanese capital Beirut, the blast sent shockwaves across Beirut shattering windows destroying buildings and injuring hundreds the streets were filled with panic and confusion. Rescue work began quickly emergency vehicles converged on the site of the blast putting out fires and getting the injured to safety.

Lebanon's internal security chief Abbas Ibrahim confirmed the blast originated in the port district in a section housing highly -explosive materials,  Lebanon's prime minister Hassan Diab addressed the nation promising that "the victims would get justice for what happened, it will not pass without accountability those responsible for this catastrophe will pay the price, this is a promise to the martyrs and injured this is a national commitment"

Ambulances continue to arrive at the scene of the explosion there have been dozens of casualties many victims are still trapped in the rubble and rescue work looks set to continue long into the night, the destruction of central Beirut appeared to come out of nowhere and as the shock of what happened subsides the demands for answers will continue to grow louder.

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